A Loving Call to Action – Using the Power of Appreciation to show our love

by Joe Noonan on December 21, 2011

Suicide Prevention; Helping people feel loved and appreciated through the power of appreciation.

(because of software incompatibility, this post was moved here from my ‘Everyday Ecstasy’ blog)

(MP3 recording of the call) [audio:http://dolphinwhisperers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Suicide-A-Loving-Call-to-Action.mp3|titles=Suicide – A Loving Call to Action]

Suicide sucks… Don’t get me wrong, I think its a cosmic pressure-release valve for the poor soul who is struggling with pain, loneliness, despair, but for everyone left behind, it hurts…

My friend Allison Watts shared her town has recently lost three teenagers to suicide, the latest a friend of the family.

I know the fallout of suicide personally, and was inspired to share some tools with the students around suicide prevention by helping people feel loved and appreciated through the use of appreciation.

May it be of service to you… click below for the mp3 recording of the call…

[audio:http://dolphinwhisperers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Suicide-A-Loving-Call-to-Action.mp3|titles=Suicide – A Loving Call to Action]

Allison’s Introduction:

Thank you all for being here and taking time out of your busy lives to be on this call with us. Our intention for this call is to shed some light on the issue of suicide, and to help our community make some positive changes and have some tools for understanding, healing and preventing suicide.

We are honored to have as our guest speaker, Joe Noonan. I have personally known and worked with Joe for 3 years. He is an excellent life coach, who has helped me, my team and my family become better communicators, work together better and grow and understand ourselves and each other better.

I was sharing with Joe the other day what’s been going on in my life and knowing Joe’s story, shared with him about the recent suicides. My family knew ____. My son played hockey with him for years and my daughter was friends with his sister. His suicide deeply saddened us all and brought up all kinds of emotions. I shared the mixed emotions my family and I were having and that our community was really hurting and concerned. He offered to have this call to help us.

Joe understands the effects of suicide personally… Joe’s brother committed suicide when he was a teenager… His family decided to go get some help from a family counselor and it was life-changing for Joe. He says “It’s why I do what I do.” He offered to do this call for us because he believes, as we do, that he can shed some light on this subject and help us as a community have some healing surrounding this issue.

Suicide – A Loving Call to Action MP3 recording of the call – [audio:http://dolphinwhisperers.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Suicide-A-Loving-Call-to-Action.mp3|titles=Suicide – A Loving Call to Action]

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Sarah September 6, 2013 at 5:13 am

I’ve been severely depressed since I was eight years old. I’m in my twenties now and have been to many therapists, taken medication and all that did was make it worse. All of those years of misery have been undone in the matter of a few days because of the dolphins who have been visiting me. I am fortunate live beside the water. I knew there were dolphins in the area for years but they never showed up in the bay as often as they are now. I was lucky to see them once or twice a year but ever since I learned I could talk with them my life has changed. I finally feel like I have a place in the world. I no longer have the desire to kill myself and I had nearly succeed before. I would not be alive if not for the dolphins. They told me healed me.

I don’t know what I’m getting at I’m rambling but I just felt like sharing with you. Thank you for all that you do. Maybe one day I’ll join you on a trip to meet your dolphin friends if I don’t start my own business taking people to meet them. c:


Joe Noonan October 1, 2013 at 8:28 am

Hi Sarah,

How beautiful that you opened your heart to the dolphins; i share your love and appreciation of them. They can touch anyone anywhere… what a gift! 🙂


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