Dog sees dolphins from boat; What happens next will touch your heart forever…

by Joe Noonan on August 10, 2015

There is so much i learn from dogs. They remind me to relax, trust, love and have fun.

I’ve been bringing people to swim with wild dolphins for twenty years now, but I’ve never brought a dog. I love Sandy, she was a stray taken in by my friends here at Wildquest. Sandy naps on my porch sometimes, we hang out together. She plays on the beach most of the day and loves to swim. Last week she came out on the ocean with me, it was her first time on a boat. She was excited but scared, and I dropped her off at the beach. The next time I went out, she swam after me, so I scooped her up and off we went.

On this day, there was a pod of spotted dolphins playing very close together. Sandy was curious, and looked like she wanted to get in. I jumped in and she soon followed. The following footage is of her first wild dolphin swim!

Special thanks to Jwala, Amlas, Atmo, Sukhama, Snatam Kaur for her music that honors the sweetness of this experience and Sandy!

© Joebaby

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Jaya Chela Drolma August 11, 2015 at 4:01 pm

OOOOoooooo!!!! BEAUTIFUL STORY ! Shared on Social media.. I will come one day, and swim with these beautiful cetaceans… a life long love of the dolphins and whales xx jcd.


Joebaby August 12, 2015 at 1:23 am

Hi Jaya, glad you enjoyed the video! It was so fun seeing Sandy’s excitement to met the dolphins; i love how she wags her tail just as she gets to them! I look forward to you joining me on a dolphin trip someday. Until then, sending you love and aloha from the sea!


Roxy July 24, 2016 at 11:20 pm

I really enjoyed the video of Sandy. I would love to meet her and may soon look into a trip to Hawaii. I really liked the song you chose to play in the background of the video. Would you be kind enough to tell me the name of the song/artist? Thank you in advance.


Sujit Chatterjee September 12, 2016 at 8:40 pm

very very good photo shoot. I like dogs,dolphins and any animals.


Goatstaps February 13, 2017 at 1:09 am

I need to see what happens next !!!

Hook me up with the dog plug


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