“We met Paradise! Authentic, Simple, Joyful!” The Salzmann family from Switzerland
The Salzmann family signed up for a four day custom holiday swimming with wild dolphins. From Switzerland, they wanted a vacation that included quality family time, adventure and a deepening connection with nature. I organized and guided the trip for them and we had a blast (we caught and ate fresh fish and lobster for three of the nights). Following is an email I received from them when they returned home…
Dear Joe!
Thank you for our wonderful trip in Bimini, we met Paradise! You really live what you say! It’s authentic, simple, joyful and you do it in such an loving way.
We talk much about our meetings with all this beautiful creatures under and upon water: fishes, lobsters, dolphins, stingrays, nurse-sharks, eagle-rays, dogs 🙂 and loving people. And also of the wonderful nature under water, like being in a huge aquarium and upon water with the chilling on honeymoon harbor or at coconut cove, the enjoying sunsets on boat or on land and the amazing beach in south Bimini.
I do like the way you talk with nature, the animals and also with us ‘humans’ :), so full of appreciation, with an open and understanding heart and a great sense of humor (I love your ‘aaa-h-a! 😉
The way you taught Luca how to spare fish, with respect and gracefulness for nature, is the one I accept. Thanks for all the time you shared with him, if it’s the fishing or the diving through the whole or the feeding sharks or the cooking or the coconut hunting 🙂 or the kayaking and even to use him as a ‘lure’ for the dolphins (he enjoyed it so much!). He had a wonderful time and he repeats saying: ‘Nobody will believe what we experienced!’
Thanks also for your hugs to all of us and for the positive and admiring feedbacks you gave us as and to us as a family! It remembers us of our qualities and resources we have and makes it easier to understand each other in ‘not’ so paradise feeling times like in Bimini.
Dearest Joe, we wish you all the best and thank you for the chance you gave us, to make all this amazing experiences.
Thanks from my heart.
Dear Joe
Thank you for organizing our trip. We did appreciate the phone calls before we paid our budget to your account. For me it was not easy to pay into an account to someone i don’t know. It was great that you showed up at the airport. I was thankful that we were talking each day what we could do during the day. So we could concentrate our forces during the trip. It was great that Kandy and Kevin where there, waiting on the ship. So you could guide us into water and I could try some things I never thought I will do (spear-fishing / feeding sting rays / spending time with Nicole in the water). Having new experiences on eating (coconut milk / coconut / smoked fish / lobster and …fish) was a challenge, but I have done it. Thank you joining us back to the airport.
Love Phil
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